Light Line 7: Luttind
Senja, March 2023
90 x 54 cm / Edition of 3 / kr 17500,-
150 x 90 cm / Edition of 3 / kr 33500,-
200 x 120 cm / Edition of 1 / kr 55500,-
The second line on our list at Senja was the couloir on Luttind. It is the most iconic line on the island and easily one of the most esthetic lines I have seen.
The day after we photographed Okshornan, Ida Nilsen joined us for the rest of the trip. The weather forecast for the next few days was not good. We went for a short ski but were almost blown off the mountain, so we decided to sit back and wait for the line to be in condition.
The next day the weather looked slightly better. We went for a tour to check the conditions. Lots of wind and new snow usually mean unstable snow, but on our way up to Luttind's neighbouring mountain, we discovered that the snow was perfect. For some reason, it was not wind-affected as we thought. When we reached the top, the weather cleared up as well, giving us an excellent view of the couloir. "Wait, there are two tracks in the couloir!" said Terje.
Suddenly we were in a hurry. The snow conditions looked perfect in the couloir, and the weather looked promising. Luckily, the line was ski in ski out from Camp Steinfjord where we stayed, so it did not take long before we went back out again. Adam and I went back to the same top we just came down from while Ida, Calum and Terje aimed at Luttind.
It was a bit rushed, but I am glad we went for it. The light was mind-blowing, and the view from Luttind is probably one of the best in the country. The snow was as good as it gets, and we got our seventh Light Line. Northern Norway was a wrap.
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